Drawing FractalsΒΆ
Recursion means “defining something in terms of itself” usually at some smaller scale, perhaps multiple times, to achieve your objective. For example, we might say “A human being is someone whose mother is a human being.”
For our purposes, a fractal is drawing which also has self-similar structure. Its structure can be defined in terms of itself.
Let us start by looking at the famous Koch fractal. An order 0 Koch fractal is simply a straight line of a given size.

An order 1 Koch fractal is obtained like this: instead of drawing just one line, draw instead four smaller segments, in the pattern shown here:

Now what would happen if we repeated this Koch pattern again on each of the order 1 segments? We’d get this order 2 Koch fractal:

Repeating our pattern again gets us an order 3 Koch fractal:

Now let us think about it the other way around. To draw a Koch fractal of order 3, we can simply draw four order 2 Koch fractals. But each of these in turn needs four order 1 Koch fractals, and each of those in turn needs four order 0 fractals. Ultimately, the only drawing that will take place is at order 0. This is very simple to code up in Python.
Try running this program with different values for the order. For example, try order 0, then 1, then 2, and so on.
The key thing that is new here is that if order is not zero, koch calls itself four times to get the job done. This self-reference is the recursion.
Recursion, the high-level view
One way to think about this is to convince yourself that the function works correctly when you call it for an order 0 fractal. Then do a mental leap of faith, saying “the fairy godmother (or Python, if you can think of Python as your fairy godmother) knows how to handle the recursive level 0 calls for me on lines 12, 14, 16, and 18, so I don’t need to think about that detail!” All I need to focus on is how to draw an order 1 fractal if I can assume the order 0 one is already working.
You’re practicing mental abstraction — ignoring the subproblem while you solve the big problem.
If this mode of thinking works (and you should practice it!), then take it to the next level. Aha! now can I see that it will work when called for order 2 under the assumption that it is already working for level 1.
And, in general, if I can assume the order n-1 case works, can I just solve the level n problem?
Students of mathematics who have played with proofs of induction should see some very strong similarities here.