Source code for aioauth.config

.. code-block:: python

    from aioauth import config

Configuration settings for aioauth server instance.


from dataclasses import dataclass

[docs]@dataclass class Settings: """Configuration options that is used by the Server class.""" TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN: int = 24 * 60 * 60 """Access token lifetime in seconds. Defaults to 24 hours.""" REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN: int = TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN * 2 """Refresh token lifetime in seconds. Defaults to TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN * 2 (48 hours).""" AUTHORIZATION_CODE_EXPIRES_IN: int = 5 * 60 """Authorization code lifetime in seconds. Defaults to 5 minutes.""" INSECURE_TRANSPORT: bool = False """Allow connections over SSL only. Note: When this option is disabled server will raise "HTTP method is not allowed" error when attempting to access the server without a valid SSL tunnel. """ ERROR_URI: str = "" """URI to redirect resource owner when server encounters error.""" AVAILABLE: bool = True """Boolean indicating whether or not the server is available."""