Source code for

.. code-block:: python

    from aioauth import storage

Storage helper class for storing and retrieving client and resource
owner information. See the examples on the sidebar to view this in


from typing import Optional, Generic, TypeVar
from .types import CodeChallengeMethod, ResponseType, TokenType

from .models import TToken, TClient, TAuthorizationCode
from .requests import TRequest

[docs]class BaseStorage(Generic[TToken, TClient, TAuthorizationCode, TRequest]):
[docs] async def create_token( self, request: TRequest, client_id: str, scope: str, access_token: str, refresh_token: str, ) -> TToken: """Generates a user token and stores it in the database. Warning: Generated token *must* be stored in the database. Note: Method is used by all core grant types, but only used for :py:class:`aioauth.response_type.ResponseTypeToken`. Args: request: An :py:class:`aioauth.requests.Request`. client_id: A user client ID. scope: The scopes for the token. Returns: The new generated :py:class:`aioauth.models.Token`. """ raise NotImplementedError("Method create_token must be implemented")
[docs] async def get_token( self, request: TRequest, client_id: str, token_type: Optional[TokenType] = "refresh_token", access_token: Optional[str] = None, refresh_token: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[TToken]: """Gets existing token from the database. Note: Method is used by :py:class:`aioauth.server.AuthorizationServer`, and by the grant type :py:class:`aioauth.grant_types.RefreshTokenGrantType`. Args: request: An :py:class:`aioauth.requests.Request`. client_id: A user client ID. access_token: The user access token. refresh_token: The user refresh token. Returns: An optional :py:class:`aioauth.models.Token` object. """ raise NotImplementedError("Method get_token must be implemented")
[docs] async def create_authorization_code( self, request: TRequest, client_id: str, scope: str, response_type: ResponseType, redirect_uri: str, code_challenge_method: Optional[CodeChallengeMethod], code_challenge: Optional[str], code: str, **kwargs, ) -> TAuthorizationCode: """Generates an authorization token and stores it in the database. Warning: Generated authorization token *must* be stored in the database. Note: This must is used by the response type :py:class:`aioauth.respose_type.ResponseTypeAuthorizationCode`. Args: request: An :py:class:`aioauth.requests.Request`. client_id: A user client ID. scope: The scopes for the token. response_type: An :py:class:`aioauth.types.ResponseType`. redirect_uri: The redirect URI. code_challenge_method: An :py:class:`aioauth.types.CodeChallengeMethod`. code_challenge: Code challenge string. Returns: An :py:class:`aioauth.models.AuthorizationCode` object. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Method create_authorization_code must be implemented" )
[docs] async def get_id_token( self, request: TRequest, client_id: str, scope: str, response_type: ResponseType, redirect_uri: str, **kwargs, ) -> str: """Returns an id_token. For more information see `OpenID Connect Core 1.0 incorporating errata set 1 section 2 <>`_. Note: Method is used by response type :py:class:`aioauth.response_type.ResponseTypeIdToken` and :py:class:`aioauth.oidc.core.grant_type.AuthorizationCodeGrantType`. """ raise NotImplementedError("get_id_token must be implemented.")
[docs] async def get_client( self, request: TRequest, client_id: str, client_secret: Optional[str] = None ) -> Optional[TClient]: """Gets existing client from the database if it exists. Warning: If client does not exists in database this method *must* return ``None`` to indicate to the validator that the requested ``client_id`` does not exist or is invalid. Note: This method is used by all core grant types, as well as all core response types. Args: request: An :py:class:`aioauth.requests.Request`. client_id: A user client ID. client_secret: An optional user client secret. Returns: An optional :py:class:`aioauth.models.Client` object. """ raise NotImplementedError("Method get_client must be implemented")
[docs] async def authenticate(self, request: TRequest) -> bool: """Authenticates a user. Note: This method is used by the grant type :py:class:`aioauth.grant_type.PasswordGrantType`. Args: request: An :py:class:`aioauth.requests.Request`. Returns: Boolean indicating whether or not the user was authenticated successfully. """ raise NotImplementedError("Method authenticate must be implemented")
[docs] async def get_authorization_code( self, request: TRequest, client_id: str, code: str ) -> Optional[TAuthorizationCode]: """Gets existing authorization code from the database if it exists. Warning: If authorization code does not exists this function *must* return ``None`` to indicate to the validator that the requested authorization code does not exist or is invalid. Note: This method is used by the grant type :py:class:`aioauth.grant_type.AuthorizationCodeGrantType`. Args: request: An :py:class:`aioauth.requests.Request`. client_id: A user client ID. code: An authorization code. Returns: An optional :py:class:`aioauth.models.AuthorizationCode`. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Method get_authorization_code must be implemented for AuthorizationCodeGrantType" )
[docs] async def delete_authorization_code( self, request: TRequest, client_id: str, code: str ) -> None: """Deletes authorization code from database. Note: This method is used by the grant type :py:class:`aioauth.grant_type.AuthorizationCodeGrantType`. Args: request: An :py:class:`aioauth.requests.Request`. client_id: A user client ID. code: An authorization code. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Method delete_authorization_code must be implemented for AuthorizationCodeGrantType" )
[docs] async def revoke_token( self, request: TRequest, token_type: Optional[TokenType] = "refresh_token", access_token: Optional[str] = None, refresh_token: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Revokes a token's from the database. Note: This method *must* set ``revoked`` to ``True`` for an existing token record. This method is used by the grant type :py:class:`aioauth.grant_types.RefreshTokenGrantType`. Args: request: An :py:class:`aioauth.requests.Request`. refresh_token: The user refresh token. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Method revoke_token must be implemented for RefreshTokenGrantType" )
TStorage = TypeVar("TStorage", bound=BaseStorage)